Member Information

Mouse-over field labels for help. All fields with a red asterisk * between the text label and input fields are REQUIRED.
First Name:  *
Last Name:  *
Email Address:  *
Phone:  *
Note: Valid phone # formats: 000-000-0000, 000.000.0000, (000) 000-0000, 0000000000
Login Information

Username:  *
Note: Primary email address highly recommended for Username.
Password:  *
Note: Passwords must begin with a letter, 8-15 characters total, valid chars: A-Za-z0-9_@$#!%
Confirm Password:  *
Gold Points   

Checking the box above will enroll you in Bering Air's Gold Points program.
A (one-time) $10 program fee applies to all Gold Points program members and their associates.
Add associate members below.   (do NOT include your username; already included)
The benefit of having an associate member is you can collect and redeem the points from multiple accounts. This is very useful for families and groups that travel together. To add an associate member please enter their username in the text boxes below. You are only allowed to have 4 associate members and each must already have a registered account. Please see the instructions below
Associate Member Username #1:  
Associate Member Username #2:  
Associate Member Username #3:  
Associate Member Username #4:  
You may need to log out and register accounts for the associate members. When creating these accounts remember to write down the Username. Once you have created user accounts for your associates, log back into your account, edit your member profile, add them to your Gold Points account, then save your changes.
Billing Information

Note: The information provided in this section is used in association with credit card purchases.
Street Address:  *
City:  *
Nome | Kotzebue | Unalakleet | clear
State:  *
Postal Code:  *
Note: Please include dashes for US 9 digit zip codes (ex. 10001-1001)
Shipping Information

First Name:  *
Last Name:  *
Street Address:  *
City:  *
Nome | Kotzebue | Unalakleet | clear
State:  *
Postal Code:  *
Note: Please include dashes for US 9 digit zip codes (ex. 10001-1001)
Phone:  *
Problems or Questions? for general web-site related questions email

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